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  • In Bed with the Rockstar (With the Rockstar #2) (rockstar romance series) Page 3

In Bed with the Rockstar (With the Rockstar #2) (rockstar romance series) Read online

Page 3

  Jessica was glad that she could still experience the show. Even backstage, handcuffed, she still enjoyed it. The sound of Slader’s voice was smooth and dripped with pain and sex at the same time. Pain and sex.

  Jessica knew that was Slader’s offerings to the world. Even though he was a billionaire and a dominating man, the pain and the sex would always be the first and the greatest.

  The concert ended and Jessica had to endure the wait. She listened to voices move by the door again and again. The sounds of people talking, laughing, equipment wheels rolling, echoed down the hallway.

  Jessica’s mind began to play with her. Her senses were off centered and confused, leaving her wondering just how much time had passed. Was it five minutes? Was it five hours? With no sign of Slader anywhere, Jessica tried to panic but she was handcuffed to a chair. There was nothing to do. Even if she screamed and someone found her, they wouldn’t be able to get her out of the cuffs, and chances were, Slader probably already had the entire scene set up, which proved one thing true.

  Jessica would wait.

  When the door finally opened, the lights were turned on and she stared at Slader. A smile came across his face as Jessica swallowed. She wasn’t sure how she felt in that moment. She was relieved yet angry. Turned on yet scared. Too many emotions were surging through her body at once.

  “How was the show?” Slader asked as he shut the door.

  “I heard it,” Jessica said.

  Slader smiled. “That’s okay. Hearing is what makes you feel music.”

  Jessica then looked around the room and saw the instruments. Guitars, amps, keyboards, a piano. She was in a storage room of instruments. Jessica didn’t need to ask Slader if they were his, she just knew.

  Slader walked to the piano and sat down. His hands went to work. He played, a sad sounding melody softly that pierced Jessica right at her heart.

  “You see, Jessica,” Slader said. “It’s about the heart. It’s always about the heart. That’s why sometimes we wonder what people are doing together. They say some kind of nonsense about attracting the opposite. That’s not it at all. It’s about heart.”

  Slader turned. The notes died quickly. He stared at Jessica and her excitement grew. Seconds passed, and then Slader finally stood. He walked to Jessica without the care of his body. As he stood in front of her, he was dominating. She was eye level with his pants and she struggled to keep her eyes looking up at his.

  With one hand, Slader reached down and placed his hand to Jessica’s chest. She sighed at the feel of his touch.

  “Your heart is racing,” Slader said.

  “You’re touching me.”

  “You’re afraid. Of me...”

  Slader took his hand away and looked at it. A distant look came over his face. Jessica had seen the look before but still didn’t understand what it meant. There was pain inside Slader and Jessica wanted to understand it and she wanted to help him.

  Slowly, Slader made a fist and started to shake his hand. “She’s afraid of me. I’ve given her fear instead of hope. Instead of trust.”

  “No, Slader.”

  Slader turned. Jessica tried to move but the handcuffs hit the chair and she groaned. She was trapped under Slader’s command, even if he did nothing.

  Once at the door, Slader stopped. He wasn’t going to leave. Instead he swung at the wall, putting his fist into it. The wall cracked and had the imprints of Slader’s knuckles in it.

  “I trust you,” Jessica. “Slader, I trust you with my life.”

  “Then why are you afraid?” Slader asked.

  Standing with his face to Jessica made him look twice as big. His shoulders were a mile wide, the muscles along his back pressing against his shirt. Jessica wanted to touch those bare muscles.

  “I didn’t expect this,” Jessica admitted.

  “That’s part of life,” Slader said. “You think I expected everything? When everything was taken from me? Yet, it came back, Jessica, it came back...”

  Slader stepped towards Jessica and he touched her face. His eyes were different. Their color brighter. Jessica wondered what exactly was running through the billionaire rockstar’s mind.

  His right hand cupped her cheek and his left hand went to the back of her neck.

  “We’re going to leave,” Slader said. “It’s time.”

  “What about my story?”

  Slader laughed. “You still send that guy stories?”

  “He promotes it that I’m on the road with you.”

  “Does he now...”

  Slader nodded and Jessica could see his wheels turning.

  “I have an idea. We’re going to send our friend, Mr. Plink, one more story.”


  “The title? Goodbye. The text? Goodbye.”


  “Jessica, you don’t need anything or anyone else but me. I’ll prove that to you. You can’t slip away. That’s what happened before. Everyone wants what the best has, but the best already has it and must protect it.”

  Jessica opened her mouth to ask Slader why he spoke like Jessica was someone else, but before the air could escape her mouth, Slader leaned down and took the handcuffs on her wrists. He moved fast and when Jessica heard the cuffs hit the floor she didn’t move her hands. Slader grabbed her wrists and pulled her, commanding her to stand. Jessica stood and stared at Slader.

  “Come,” he whispered. “This show is done. There’s nothing left for me to offer the fans here. It’s up to them to savor my words and become the desire they need again.”

  Jessica licked her lips and for a split second, she pictured herself whispering I love you to Slader, but the thought quickly vanished. She had no idea where it came from and it bothered her.

  Slader held Jessica by one wrist and guided her from the dressing room. He took her down a hallway, turned once, and then moved to the door to exit the building. Not a single person saw them. She felt like she and Slader were the only two people left in the world, and if that were true it wouldn’t bother Jessica one bit.

  Once outside, Slader moved faster. A small gathering of fans waited near the gate and they started to cheer for him. He kept his head down and walked. Jessica stayed alongside him until they were at the tour bus. Slader opened the door and led the way. Jessica had been on the bus many days and nights now, but something felt very different.

  Slader stopped at the liquor cabinet and opened it.

  “Grab one,” he said.

  Jessica didn’t look. She just grabbed a bottle.

  “Twist the top off and drink,” he said.

  Jessica listened and took a stiff drink. It burned her mouth, her throat, and all the way down to her stomach.

  Slader stood with his back to Jessica.

  “Ask me something,” he said.

  “Why did you ignore those fans?” Jessica asked.

  “I didn’t ignore them,” Slader said. “They paid for a show and I gave it.”

  “Do you ever talk to fans? Autograph anything?”

  “I autograph deals that make me money,” Slader said. “My signature on the back of a ticket stub is worthless. It’s harboring a memory and nothing more. I am the memory, through my music.”

  That seemed like a good enough answer or at least the best Jessica would get from Slader. He was on the move again and he went right to the shower. It still amazed Jessica that there was a shower on the tour bus. It wasn’t quite as comfortable as the shower in a hotel room but it did the trick.

  “I’ll be in first,” Slader said. “Give me two minutes to clean up. Then I expect you to join me. I want to hold you against me.”

  And that was all Slader needed to say. Slader went to the shower and Jessica stepped back. She waited for the water to turn on and then hurried to the bunk area to strip herself. Of course, there was no other bed. The back of the bus was a giant bed for Slader and Jessica. Oval shaped with black silk sheets, the room oozed sexual desire. Jessica took her clothes off and when she let he
r bra fall to the floor she cupped her breasts, covering them. There was still something so new and different about being naked. She found Slader standing in the shower, his head back, and the water pounding on his chest.

  Jessica followed the water down his muscular body right to where her eyes belonged. Even when Slader wasn’t hard he was impressive. His body just hung there, thick and enticing. Jessica felt the moisture rush between her legs. She let out a sigh and could feel her nipples hardening against her own touch.

  Slader looked at Jessica and smiled. He allowed her into the shower and Jessica stepped in. The water felt good, but Slader felt better. His hands touched her hips and he guided her to the wall. He always wanted her in a submissive position.

  “Move your hands,” Slader said.

  Jessica knew Slader hated when she covered up. She opened her hands and moved them off her breasts. They were tender and her pink nipples were very thick, and very hard. They were so sensitive that even the water made her knees bend. Each time the droplets touched her nipples, Jessica felt surges of pleasure roll through her body to between her legs.

  “You are fucking amazing,” Slader said. “Just amazing.”


  “I’m taking you away,” Slader said.


  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes,” Jessica said. “I told you that.”

  Slader moved closer. He touched his lower half to hers. She could feel his cock pressing, thickening, wanting her. He touched the tip of his nose to hers. “This is your chance to prove it,” Slader said. “To give everything to me. I’ll be in complete control of everything.”

  “Yes,” Jessica said. “Take me, Slader.”

  “Good. We’re leaving right now.”

  Slader turned the water off and rushed from the shower. Jessica watched the water drip from his body for the few seconds she could see him. Then he was gone and she was alone, in the shower, with no water.

  Jessica cupped her breasts and left the shower too. She found Slader standing at the bed, staring at Jessica’s clothing.

  “Is everything okay?” Jessica asked.

  “Put your panties and pants on.”

  Slader looked over his shoulder and nodded.

  Jessica did as told. She slowly stepped into her panties, bending over. She felt Slader’s eyes upon her. She did the same for her pants and then faced Slader, topless, her hair soaked.

  “Go out front,” Slader said. “Wait for me.”

  At first, Jessica hesitated but then she went to the main part of the bus and stood there, topless. She cupped her breasts because it was her natural reaction to do so. She shivered and stood in silence. She looked out to the front of the bus and wondered if anyone could see her. It was nerve racking yet erotic. It turned her on. She lost her train of thought, so when she felt hands against her sides, she jumped and cried out.

  “Thought you trusted me,” Slader whispered.

  His hands moved around to Jessica’s stomach. His hands crept up and forced Jessica’s hands out of the way. He cupped her breasts, taking control.

  “Oh, Slader,” Jessica whispered.

  “Yes,” Slader said. “Yes. Then let’s see...”

  Slader moved his hands from Jessica’s chest. He reached for the bottle of whiskey Jessica had taken a sip from. He took a large shot glass and put it on a table. After pouring a large shot, Slader dropped a pill into the drink, and it dissolved quickly.

  Jessica wasn’t sure what to do. She began to tremble.

  “I would never kill you,” Slader said. “I would never hurt you. Do you trust me?”

  “Yes,” Jess said.

  “Then you need to drink this,” Slader said.

  “What’s going to happen?”

  “Do you trust me?”

  “I already said...”

  “Then drink. Or go home, back to Mr. Plink, and writing shitty articles. Take our dream and leave, again.”

  There it was... again? Jessica didn’t know what that meant.

  “I’m not handing you the drink, Jessica,” Slader said. “You’re going to take it and enjoy it. I’m going to watch.”

  Jessica nodded. She looked to the drink and then she looked down at her chest. She didn’t know why, but right then she felt sexy. She felt wanted. It was all so much to accept. Slader wanted her to prove her trust. He wouldn’t hurt her. He wouldn’t kill her. He wanted her. If Jessica really believed that then there was nothing to worry about.

  “Jessica,” Slader whispered. “I don’t have time. I don’t believe in time. This bus will be leave soon, one way or another.”

  Jessica reached for the drink. She held it to her mouth and felt Slader’s hands upon her again. His hands slid up her body to her chest. His fingers spread and teased at her nipples. Jessica tilted the glass back and felt the whiskey touch her lips.

  “Trust me, Jessica,” Slader whispered.

  She took the shot all the way down. It was like two shots in one and by the time she finished it, she felt ready to fall over. She dropped the glass and it hit the floor, breaking. Slader’s strong hands held her breasts and held her tight to him.

  “That was perfect,” Slader said. “You’re mine now, Jessica, forever.”

  The bus started to move but only to Jessica. She felt everything moving. The bus. Her body. Her mind.

  “Let it happen,” Slader said. “Just let it all happen...”

  “Okay,” Jessica whispered. “Okay...” A thought hit her for the second time that night. Thanks to whatever the drink was made up of, Jessica couldn’t help herself. “Slader, I think I love you.”

  “Oh, Jessica,” Slader said. “I know you do. You’ve always loved me. Now we can finally be together.”

  Jessica opened her mouth to speak, but she had nothing. Darkness came, with Slader’s hands on her.

  Jessica smiled.

  What does she dream of when sleeping? What does she need when sleeping? Is her body arched, missing someone holding her, keeping her safe? Does she fear the night like a thick blanket coming to cover and take her? Does she reach across her bed, touching the empty half, wondering where I am? Or does she wonder for someone else? My heart can’t take someone else... it was never meant that way. Tonight, I won’t sleep so I can imagine watching her sleep. What does she dream of?


  Slader slowly walked backwards, holding onto a sleeping Jessica. She had gone under quicker than he thought. It certainly brought out the truth from Jessica She loved him. It made Slader smile, but it didn’t surprise him. They’d been in love for a long time, but now wasn’t the time to think about that.

  This was about Jessica.

  This was about trust.

  This was about finally having Jessica alone.

  Slader picked Jessica up into his arms and then carried her to the bed. He bent and gently placed her down, staring at her body. Her hips had the slightest curve to them, giving her the womanly shape Slader couldn’t resist. Her stomach gently moved up and down, her breathing soft and silent. Of course, her breasts were perfect and large. Her nipples big enough to make Slader’s mouth water.

  He licked his lips and reached down, touching Jessica’s hair. His fingers ran through her hair smoothly, moving all the loose strands out of the way. His urges were running wild, his mind teasing his body and his body teasing his mind. Slader was as hard as a rock, a thick erection pressing against his jeans. It was uncomfortable. But he would never do that to Jessica... not like this. To all the other women and groupies, those searching for that memory of pleasure, that was one thing. This was Jessica. His Jessica. He would never touch her like this. This was his way of proving his trust.

  Slader leaned down and kissed Jessica’s forehead. He softly nuzzled her cheek and moved down to her neck. Her smell, her desire, her beauty, even her fear made Slader groan and he felt his cock aching against his jeans. He wanted Jessica like never before. His fingers moved from her hair down her face. Then using j
ust his pointer finger, Slader ran his fingertip down Jessica’s chin, neck, her chest. He moved around her breast and nipple, following the smoothness of her skin. He circled around her belly button, smiling, then down to her pants. There all his fingers moved into her pants except for his thumb. He gripped her pants and felt the temptation attack him. It was almost too much to take.

  He wanted her.

  But he already had her.

  Slader took his hand away and stood tall. He reached for the bottom of the silk sheet and flipped it up and over, covering Jessica’s body. He touched her face one more time and then left the room.

  There was business to take care of still.

  At the front of the bus Slader found Jerry standing, waiting for him. Slader stepped over the broken glass on the floor, disregarding it. It wasn’t his job to clean that mess up.

  “We don’t have to do anything tonight,” Jerry said. “It’s late.”

  “Late,” Slader said. “You know who talks like that?”


  “Businessmen who can’t cut it,” Slader said. “There is no early. There is no late. There’s business and life.”

  “Okay,” Jerry said. “Just wasn’t sure if you wanted to sign papers this... well...”

  “Give me the contracts,” Slader said.

  Jerry and Slader sat. Jerry opened a leather bound folder and spun it around. He spoke and Slader ignored him. Slader knew the routine. What to sign. Where to sign. How to sign it. This was nothing more than a simple real estate deal. A project that had been stalled for half a decade now due, in large part, to poor planning and a down economy. That screamed opportunity for Slader. He picked up the and he planned to hold it for six months to a year and wait for value. His name alone on the property would increase the value... that was the beauty of being a billionaire and being famous. It gave him anything and everything he wanted.

  Slader wasn’t exactly sure what he would do with the new project, but he knew something would come to him. If anything, he could always turn it into a concert venue and play it. That would be interesting to do. Slader had already thought about building several venues across the country and just touring that way. There would be nothing else to deal with. He’d own everything and he’d control everything.