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  • In Bed with the Rockstar (With the Rockstar #2) (rockstar romance series) Page 2

In Bed with the Rockstar (With the Rockstar #2) (rockstar romance series) Read online

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  Richie stepped back and cocked a fist. Slader reached for the fist and put his hand over it. Richie’s eyes widened, shocked that Slader didn’t show an ounce of emotion.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” Richie asked.

  “Go away,” Slader said. “You’re not a rockstar. You’re nothing. A second of my time is worth more than your life.”

  Slader let Richie go and stood his ground.

  “You know what...,” Richie stammered. “You’re fucked in the head, man. Okay? You must have been abused as a kid or something.”

  “That’s enough,” Jerry said. “Let me get security to beat the shit out of him. Go get a lawyer, Richie.”

  “No,” Slader said. “Speak your mind, Richie.”

  “Yeah, I will. You must have been fucked up real good, right? Did you get beat up? Did you get beat by your parents? Did your...”

  Slader had enough. The razor blade in his heart seemed to dig deeper, and that was all Slader could take.

  With a single fist, Slader connected with Richie’s face. Richie flew back and hit the wall with a hard thud. Slader wasn’t done. He stepped forward and admired Richie’s confused, bleeding face. Slader threw another fist. There was no place for his head to go which caused a greater impact. Richie cried out and started to collapse. Slader grabbed his shirt and held him up. Richie was limp and shook with fear.

  “Look at me,” Slader demanded. “Look at me.”

  Richie continued to blink. “I... uh...”

  There was nothing for Richie to say.

  “You will never be me,” Slader said. “You will never be near me. I’m going to kill your addiction for you. Right now. You’ll thank me later.”

  Slader grabbed Richie’s hair and with one hard swing, Richie’s face was plastered against the wall. The sound was sickening and it left a bloody print of Richie’s face. When Slader let him go, he fell to the floor in a heap of nothing. That’s what he was. Nothing.

  Slader stared at Jerry and walked towards him.

  “Shit,” Jerry whispered.

  “That’s how you take care of a problem,” Slader said. “Get him the fuck out of here, Jerry.”

  “I’m on it.”

  Jerry walked towards Richie and Slader walked away.

  Some problems were easier than others. Slader’s mind went back to Jessica. She was waiting for him because she had no choice. After all, he had commanded for her to be handcuffed to a chair.

  I can’t move. The glass keeps me away but I can see. Maybe that’s the evil of it all. To be given senses but not being able to use them. I want to touch. I want to taste. I want to smell. I want to hear. But instead I can see. I’d wish to be blind but then I’d never be alive again. I’d remain still and burn. Now, if you can turn around... just once, just once... you’ll see...


  Carrie stood in front of the mirror wearing a matching bra and thong. They were hand picked by her boyfriend, John, who waited in the bedroom. Carrie cupped her breasts and let out a long breath. All she could think about were the contracts.

  One of the contracts was for some kind of development thing that John needed to pan out. There was a lot of money riding on the project, a lot of money for John to make which he would hopefully share with Carrie. The bonus for Carrie was in her sexual contract with John. In written word, it described everything John wanted to do to her. When he wanted to do it. How he wanted to do it. And how Carrie would help. Most of the time it involved flirting, but sometimes it actually involved touching. From the outside, the contract had two appearances. The first was seeing Carrie act like a whore, going after man after man, all for the financial pleasure and benefit of John. The second appearance was that of Carrie’s intense sexual life. Being able to read what was going to happen had once been a strange fantasy that felt really good, but with John in complete control of the contract - and thus being in control of Carrie - that meant he only had to worry about himself. If he came and she didn’t, that was the end of their sexual encounter. Carrie was entitled to a few chances to command their sex, but that again relied on John satisfying her.

  Carrie held hope that John would feel better once this next deal was done, but the deal came with a heavy emotional price for Carrie. She had to lure in Alex Slader.

  Yes, Alex Slader. The hot lead singer of Ashes in Vain. The most powerful rockstar in the world. A billionaire who rivaled John. Carrie couldn’t picture John taking on Alex Slader, but if there was a way to do it, it was Carrie’s job to figure it out and make it happen. John told Carrie that her perfect body, lusty eyes, and sensual needs would be enough to overcome anything Alex Slader had to offer. Basically, John wanted Carrie to use her body and needs to put herself in such a vulnerable position that Slader would give up a business deal to John. However, the one lingering factor that Carrie couldn’t shake was that it was Alex Slader. This wasn’t just some good looking business guy. And, of course, Jessica had to be involved. Going near Slader meant wrecking the trust between her and Jessica. There was so much Jessica didn’t know about Carrie, but it was nice to have a roommate. Someone to turn to. Someone to have a sense of normalcy with.

  As Carrie stared in the mirror, she didn’t notice John standing in the doorway.


  She yelped and jumped.

  “What’s taking so long?”

  Carrie looked at John. He was in a brilliant suit and looked good. But that was it. He was just good, good at everything. Carrie worried that getting close to Slader would turn good into bad, because if she had the chance to touch Slader, she’d take it. If he wanted to touch her, she’d allow it.

  “I’m just thinking,” Carrie said. “Planning.”

  John stepped into the bathroom. His hands were in his pockets. He stepped up behind Carrie and placed his body to hers. Carrie could feel his stomach before his chest. She didn’t like that. She wanted muscle. She wanted care. She wanted strength. John took his hands from his pockets and placed them to Carrie’s hips.

  “You know what you need to do,” John whispered. “Make him want you. Make him need you. He’s a troubled man, Carrie. That’s the thing. He’s dark and troubled. Yet everyone looks at him like he’s perfect. He’s not.”

  Carrie nodded. “What if he touches me?”

  John curled his lip. There were clauses in the contract that discussed outside touching. Most of it came down to John’s final decision, but the problem was that Slader was bigger than a sexual contract. Slader was bigger than John.

  “Describe the touching,” John said.

  “I don’t know, John,” Carrie said.

  John thrust himself. He forced Carrie against the sink. She winced and let out a shaky breath.

  “Tell me,” John said. “Something is in your mind.”

  “Okay,” Carrie said. “Okay.”

  The contract between Carrie and John contained a section on punishments. They were all at John’s discretion. Some were detailed, some weren’t. Carrie was well aware that John controlled the punishments, no matter how extreme. Carrie respected it because John was open and honest from the moment he offered her the contract. Carrie signed the contract because she needed the money... and wanted the sex.

  “What I understand,” Carrie said, “is that he likes to command from the beginning. When I talk to him... if he corners me, if he demands...”

  John squeezed Carrie’s hips. “Nobody demands you but me. It’s in the contract. You submit to me and nobody else, no matter what. Understand?”

  “Yes,” Carrie whispered.

  “You’re a smart woman, Carrie. You’ll figure it out. You’re thinking too much into this.”

  Carrie nodded. John was right. She hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it since John told her this would be her next project. It was the hottest rockstar in the world and it was a complete backstab to her roommate and friend. On a more selfish note, if Carrie had that chance to be with Slader... to imagine him touching her, fucking her, there was n
o way she would deny him.

  “Let’s just see how much you’ve been thinking,” John said.

  He left hand slid forward and then down. Carrie shuddered but couldn’t do a thing about what was going to happen. John’s fingertips climbed down her inner thigh and then came right back up. He touched her thong and then he began to move it. Carrie’s thong slid to the side and John’s fingers touched her. He moved back and forth, then took his hand away. He lifted his hand and showed Carrie the glistening look of his fingertips.

  “You’re wet,” he said. “You’re thinking about him and you’re wet.”


  “That’s the problem,” John said. “Look at it, Carrie.”

  Carrie looked. Of course she was wet. Slader could make anyone wet. It was that simple. She wanted Slader because she needed him. She needed to feel alive again and written commands just weren’t cutting it anymore.

  “I see,” Carrie whispered.

  “You’re turned on by Alex Slader.”

  Carrie didn’t respond.

  John lowered his pointer finger. “Taste yourself, Carrie.” He brought his finger forward and Carrie opened her mouth. John’s finger entered her mouth and Carrie closed her lips to taste her own sweet flavor. John then tasted his pointer finger too.

  He nodded and licked his lips.

  “You can’t be turned on,” John said. “Your mind is spinning. You’re thinking too much about it.”

  “I’m sorry, John,” Carrie replied.

  “Don’t be.”

  John stepped back. He touched Carrie’s waist again and then pulled at her thong. He moved it down as much as he needed. He then touched the zipper on his pants and unzipped.

  “I’m going to fuck you until you’re dry,” John said. “Until you come so much you can’t think about it anymore. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes,” Carrie said.

  “Good. Now you better hurry. You know there’s punishment if tonight doesn’t go to plan.”

  “I know.”

  “Good girl,” John said. His hand was in his pants, pulling himself out. “Now bend over and spread your legs.”

  If you love me, tell me. If you lie to me, tell me. If you hate me, don’t tell me.


  Carrie snuck around to the back of the building and saw a few people lingering. They were the hopeful fans, much like Carrie, trying to catch a glimpse of Alex Slader as he walked to his massive tour bus. For all they knew he was already on the bus. When Carrie saw the bus, she wondered if Jessica was on it with Slader. She felt disgusted because she had just had mediocre sex with John in the bathroom at the apartment she shared with Jessica. Disgusted because she knew her job was to lure Slader to John and nothing more, yet her deep desire burned for more. For that one chance with Slader to feel real pleasure, the kind that steals the breath and makes a person feel higher than any drug in the world. Was that so much to ask?

  For a woman with a sexual contract locked in place, it actually was so much to ask. Carrie had a job to do and that job started tonight. Right then, actually.

  Carrie looked for her opening and found the back of the building was easily accessible. The fence put up near the tour bus came to an end and anyone could walk to the building. So that’s exactly what Carrie did. She walked to the building and looked at some of the doors, deciding which one to choose. A door flew open and two men carried equipment. They were talking and laughing and barely noticed Carrie. She grabbed the door, holding it open for the men.

  “Thanks, babe,” one of them said.

  Carrie smiled. She shrugged her shoulders too, calling attention to her bare shoulders. Her top was cut way down, showing enough of her breasts that it was almost pointless to eve have a shirt on, but it worked because it caught the attention of the men.

  “Coming or going?” the same man asked.

  “Getting here late,” Carrie said. “He’s going to be pissed.”

  “He’s always pissed,” the man said, referring to Slader.

  “Always time for us,” the other man said. “We could show you the backstage life.”

  “Sorry boys,” Carrie said, “I’m here for the rockstar.”

  “Enjoy,” the first man said.

  They continued walking and Carrie walked into the building. She let the door shut behind her and smiled. Just like that, she was inside the building and that much closer to Alex Slader. As she stood staring at a few desolate hallways, she formulated a plan. If anyone stopped her, she would use the same story she just gave the guys outside, that she was running late and looking for Slader, who was going to be pissed. If he wasn’t in the building, then it would be simple. Carrie would go right to the tour bus and look for him there.

  Then she thought, what if she ran into Jessica in the process? Carrie shook her head. That would be a big bridge she’d cross if and when the time came. There wasn’t time to think about that kind of stuff. This was business. This was contracted. She had to do this.

  She took a step and looked left to right. Something told her to just keep going straight so that’s what she did. The first door she tried was locked. The second door was a pitch black room. Carrie retreated and went down the hall to the left. She tried the first door and there were lights on, but nobody was inside the room.

  “Shit,” she whispered.

  She couldn’t kill too much time. What if Slader’s bus left?

  She ran to the next door.

  She heard voices before she touched the door. There were people behind the door. It sounded like a lot. Carrie slowly opened the door. She didn’t want to barge in and become shocked by the sight of Alex Slader.

  The door opened and Carrie peeked in. Her eyes went wide and her mouth fell open. It was a large room filled with rockstars and women. She counted four guys and at least ten women. The women were mostly naked, all of them in positions that even made Carrie blush. She saw bottles of booze on the tables, the floor, and drugs everywhere. The room stunk of sex, drugs, sweat, booze, and rock n’ roll. She couldn’t stop looking. Yet there was no sight of Slader. That’s when Carrie knew for sure he must have been somewhere private with Jessica. It made Carrie’s heart race wondering how she was going to pull this off if Jessica was right there next to Slader.

  One of the rockstars who had been staring down at a woman performing oral sex on him looked right at Carrie. He smiled and Carrie pulled the door shut.

  She took a deep breath and found herself turned on. She couldn’t put her finger on why, but that room really turned her on. Maybe it was the freedom to experiment and not give a shit about a thing.

  Carrie collected herself and took a step back away from the door. She needed to get away from there and fast. The temptation to look again grew by the second. After taking a second step she felt something behind her.

  “Looking for something?” a voice asked.

  Carrie gasped and couldn’t turn around. She knew the voice. She knew... it was him. It was Alex fucking Slader. Right behind her. His body was against her body.

  Slowly, Carrie turned her head and looked up. He stared down at her.

  “You,” Carrie whispered. “I was... looking for you...”

  “Most people are,” Slader said. “Turn around. Look at me.”

  Carrie was overwhelmed by Slader’s presence. She lost all her composure and control. She was supposed to be the one directing things right then. She had the low cut shirt on, she had practiced all the seductive things to say, and she had been fantasizing for this moment for days upon days. Carrie turned as told and looked at Slader.

  “Who are you?”

  “Like what you see?” Carrie managed to say. It came out shaky and sounded terrible.

  Slader smiled. He reached out and touched Carrie’s cheek. He ran a finger down to her chin. Gently, he lifted her head. Carrie sighed, feeling her entire body shudder. Every part of her wanted him.

  His finger moved down her throat towards her chest. At the top of her breasts wher
e her cleavage began, where Carrie imagined Slader’s tongue flicking between her breasts, he stopped.

  “Not hiding much, are you?” he asked.

  “For you,” Carrie said. “Nothing. I’m open.”

  Slader took his finger off Carrie’s chest and he rubbed his fingers together. He then leaned close to Carrie. If she wanted, she could lick his neck.

  His lips were at her ear. “You’re something of a mess, aren’t you? Either go into the room behind you or go home.”

  Slader pulled back and then started to walk away. Carrie felt her bones lock up. She swallowed and managed to turn her head to watch Alex Slader leave. He walked slow because he didn’t have to walk fast. The world would wait. When he was finally out of sight, Carrie lifted a shaking hand and touched her face. Right where Slader’s face had been.

  She had no idea why, but tears filled her eyes and she began to weep.

  You can see within the darkness if you try. You can be blind in the light if you don’t look. You can become mine if you believe. You can suffer alone if you want. I try. I look. I believe. I want.


  A very dim light kept the room from being in complete darkness. Jessica’s heart hadn’t stopped pounding since the men carried her from the side of the stage right at the beginning of Slader’s show. They had taken her down the hall to a room, and as she screamed, nobody listened and not once did the men try to cover her mouth. It was all so strange, scary, and yet, thanks to Alex Slader, somewhat erotic. Jessica found herself handcuffed to a chair and when the door clicked shut she tried to scream again. By then, the Ashes in Vain concert was in full swing and the sound of the music pounded against the walls. Knowing she was at least in the same place as Slader, gave Jessica some comfort. Somewhere in her heart she knew that it was Slader who made it all happen but Jessica couldn’t calm herself. When she moved her wrists, she was reminded of the cuffs. When she looked around the room and her eyes couldn’t fully focus on any object it was a reminder that she was in almost darkness.