In Bed with the Rockstar (With the Rockstar #2) (rockstar romance series) Page 6
The words were just what Slader had been looking for. They were honest, clear, concise. The only part that bothered him was that Jessica didn’t realize who she was. Slader would never look at her as though she was someone else. There was one Jessica. No matter the name, there was only one. One person for his heart. One person for his soul. Finding that one person was what the journey of life was about. That journey was the basis of life. The therapy for those who couldn’t find that one person, therapy for those who thought they found that one person, and it’s the celebration for those who were lucky enough to find that one.
Slader put the phone back in the drawer just as the door opened. Jessica entered the bathroom, naked. The steam from the shower danced around her like a wispy blanket, hugging her, dissipating, hugging her again.
“Look at you,” Slader said. “Like my dream coming to life.”
“Join me in the shower, there’s plenty of room.”
When Jessica looked at the shower, her mouth fell open. The shower was designed to be able to leave the door open but there was one in case privacy was needed. In this case, there was no privacy.
Slader walked to Jessica and stepped behind her. He put his hands to her hips and guided her into the water. They stood together under one of the large rain like shower heads and stared at each other. Slader wanted to read all of Jessica’s thoughts, because he wanted to know everything inside and out. He wanted to sample the journey of being alone that she had taken.
“I don’t think I ever want to go back to the world,” Slader said. “Ever again.”
“Don’t say that,” Jessica said. “You’ll regret it.”
“I won’t. Not right now. Give me your hand.”
Jessica lifted her hand and Slader put it to his heart. He couldn’t believe what he was doing. He held his hand tight against Jessica’s hand. She was shaking, everywhere. His eyes watched the way the water dripped and ran along her body as though her body and the water were working together to tease Slader. That never happened either. Women didn’t tease Alex Slader. They listened, they pleased, they had purpose and nothing more.
“You do that to me,” Slader whispered. “And this...”
Slader slid Jessica’s hand down his body to his cock. He used his fingers to wrap her fingers around his shaft. He was hard, but he was not seeking pleasure. He wanted to make her understand.
Jessica sighed and swallowed. Slader eyed her body again. Her nipples were so tender. He saw the spot where he had nibbled and knew he had left his mark. There was a bite mark on his chest, but Jessica had left her mark long before that.
“What do we do now?” Jessica asked.
“We can live here forever,” Slader said. “I have two workers downstairs who are taking care of everything I need. Food. Cleaning. Anything you need, Jessica. We can travel. I have a helicopter...”
“A helicopter?”
“Of course. These mountains are even more beautiful when flying over them, although their beauty does not compare to what I’m staring at.”
Jessica lowered her head. She couldn’t believe she started to get emotional, right in the middle of their shower. The hot water was easing their skin and her small hand was around his large shaft.
It was... amazing, sad, and beautiful. It was perfect.
Slader slid his hand and Jessica’s hand off his body. He touched her waist and moved his hands up, following her wet skin to her arms and then shoulders. From there he slowly moved until he was holding her face, forcing her to look at him.
“Jessica... are you crying?”
“I think so,” Jessica said. “I’m so sorry.”
“Tell me why. Right now.”
Slader felt his hands starting to squeeze tighter. He couldn’t control himself. He needed to know what was happening.
“I don’t... I don’t understand this,” Jessica said.
“Understand what?”
“All of this. Why I’m here. You handcuff me. You steal me. You romance me. You make me feel...”
Jessica shook her head.
“No,” Slader growled. “No. Tell me. Make you feel how?”
Jessica looked at Slader. The piercing look of her eyes was the scariest thing Slader had ever seen.
“You make me feel alive,” Jessica said. “But what happens when you’re done with me?”
“I’m not going to be done ever again,” Slader said. “Don’t you realize what you mean to me? I’ve waited so long...”
“What does that mean?” Jessica asked. “The way you talk... it’s like you think you...”
A knock came at the bathroom door.
Slader shot his head to the left and curled his lip. “What?” he screamed.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Slader,” a shaky voice said. “There’s a man here...”
“I’m busy.”
“Mr. Slader...”
“Who are you?”
“Mr. Slader, I’m Charles...”
“Charles, I hope you have another job lined up.”
“Cut the shit,” another voice said.
“Everyone leave,” Slader commanded.
“Slader, I’m sorry,” Jerry said. “I flew here as fast as I could. We need to take care of something right now.”
“I’m not in the mood for bullshit,” Slader yelled.
He looked at Jessica, staring deep into her eyes. He couldn’t leave. This was life. This was everything.
Heavy thuds pounded on the door.
“Don’t make me kick in the door,” Jerry yelled. “You don’t want that, Slader. Trust me. You know it’s serious if I’m here like this...”
“Slader, should you listen?” Jessica asked.
“I don’t listen to anyone,” Slader said.
His hands left Jessica’s face and he stepped from the shower. Slader walked to the door and opened it, not caring that he was both naked and dripping wet. Jerry didn’t flinch when he saw Slader but the other man, Charles, jumped back.
“What?” Slader asked.
“We have to get downstairs,” Jerry said.
“Business about Richie.”
“Richie? Again? I should have just fucking...”
“Just, don’t,” Jerry said. “Just please come downstairs for a minute.”
Slader gauged the look on Jerry’s face. Anyone could sue and they’d never win a dime. Maybe Richie had threatened to sue. Maybe Richie had gone to a magazine or something. Slader didn’t give a shit about that, the fans would still worship Alex Slader.
Slader moved back towards the shower and grabbed a towel. He turned and looked at Jessica.
“I have to take care of something,” he said. “You should wait here.”
“In the shower?”
“Just here,” Slader said. “No matter what. Wait right here.”
“Is something wrong?”
Slader wrapped the towel around his body and reached for Jessica. He took one of her hands.
“The world is trying to tear us apart again. I won’t let it.”
Slader turned and rushed from the bathroom, leaving the door open for Jessica to follow. He knew she’d follow because if she was meant to be with him she would. He grabbed something to wear and dressed himself before meeting Jerry and Charles outside the bedroom.
“We don’t have time,” Jerry said. “They’re going to come.”
“They’re? Who?”
“Let’s move,” Jerry said.
The bedroom door opened and Jessica appeared. She was dressed, her hair wet. Slader stared. He wanted - no, needed - to take her into the bedroom, lock the door, and strip her of those clothes. He needed to get lost inside her body.
Slader took to the steps of the cabin and ran forward in front of everyone. The cabin was bigger than most people’s homes, but that was a minor detail as Slader rushed to find whoever was interrupting his time with Jessica. He wouldn’t tolerate it, not again.
bsp; In the front living room, a man stood in front of the massive stone fireplace. A fire was lit, the flame dancing. He stood with his hands in his pockets and had a sense of arrogance about him that bothered Slader from the second he saw him.
“You’re a fucking lawyer,” Slader said.
The man looked over his shoulder and smiled. “Do you always bring that language to important meetings?”
“Only when I wasn’t informed there’d be a meeting. I’m in the middle of something.”
“I’m sure you are,” the man said. “Writing the next big hit, canceling more shows, taking people for all their worth, stealing business deals, not paying musicians you hired...”
“Oh, fuck this,” Slader said.
“Please, Mr. Slader, let’s sit.”
“I’ll stand.”
The man nodded. “I’m Mr. Cartwright. I represent Richie.”
“Of course you do.”
“As you’re aware, you were supposed to pay him for his services.”
“He was taken care of.”
“I’m sure you feel he was,” Mr. Cartwright said. “But the reality...”
“What do you want? Are you here to sue me? If so, that doesn’t involve me.”
“No,” Mr. Cartwright said. “I just wanted to be here on behalf of Richie when this happens...”
Slader watched as two men came into the room. One in a suit and tie and one in a police uniform. Slader looked back at Jerry.
“Don’t panic,” Jerry said. “Just... go...”
“Go? Where?”
“To jail,” Mr. Cartwright said. “For assault and battery. For what you did to Richie.”
“What I did?” Slader asked.
“You beat the hell out of him,” Mr. Cartwright said.
“I’m sorry,” Slader said. “Are you talking about when he showed up at my show, backstage, unauthorized? When he started screaming, waving his hands, making threats? What about safety? My manager? My band? The venue?”
“Should have called the police,” Mr. Cartwright said.
“There wasn’t enough time,” Slader said. “He was dangerous. I had to defend myself...”
The two men stepped towards Slader. The police officer read him his rights and the other man in the suit began to spout off information that Slader had no interest in. Instead, he looked at Jessica. He saw the look on her face and in her eyes. These men were going to take them apart again. The handcuffs on Slader now were real. Before, they were there in spirit, always tearing them apart. Always hurting them.
“I won’t be long,” Slader whispered as he walked by Jessica. “I won’t be long... not like last time...”
Slader left the cabin and took a deep breath of the cold mountain air. His heart raced. And hurt. Emotion had found a way back into his broken soul.
Capture me, take me, love me, hate me, release me, find me, hold me, tell me, give me. Come to me, lie to me, do it all again. I’ll take it, love it, hate it, release it, find it, hold it, tell it, give it. I’ll come to you, lie to you, you do it all again. Capture me, take me, love me, hate me, release me, find me, hold me, tell me, give me. Come to me, lie to me, do it all again. I’ll take it, love it, hate it, release it, find it, hold it, tell it, give it. I’ll come to you, lie to you, you do it all again. Capture me, take me, love me, hate me, release me, find me, hold me, tell me, give me. Come to me, lie to me, do it all again. I’ll take it, love it, hate it, release it, find it, hold it, tell it, give it. I’ll come to you, lie to you, you do it all again. Capture me, take me, love me, hate me, release me, find me, hold me, tell me, give me. Come to me, lie to me, do it all again. I’ll take it, love it, hate it, release it, find it, hold it, tell it, give it. I’ll come to you, lie to you, you do it all again.
Carrie walked the street, corner to corner, for the fourth time that night. She checked her cell phone and saw she had another ten minutes to kill. She could have gone back to her car and relaxed for those ten minutes, but her gut told her not to mess with John and the contract anymore.
It was getting out of hand.
The contract clearly stated that she needed to smell the night, look like the night, and beg for the money from John.
To put it in simple terms, Carrie was a hooker tonight.
It would continue until she fixed what she had messed up in the contract. If she hadn’t frozen when she met Slader, none of this would have been happening as it was. She could have been sharing a bed with Slader and she could have fulfilled the contract with John. She could have even been already falling in love with Slader. Maybe he’d whisk her away somewhere. Maybe somewhere high above the world. Someplace hidden. Somewhere meant for seduction, lust, and romance.
Carrie stopped at the corner and leaned against a stop sign pole. She hated wearing the short skirt and the low cut top. More than once that night people had driven by her slowly. She wasn’t sure what she would have done if someone actually stopped, looking for a prostitute. It made her feel dirty, used, and angry. If it wasn’t for Slader she wouldn’t feel so angry. She hadn’t seen Jessica in over a full day now. It drove Carrie crazy. She didn’t want to think about it. She hated thinking about it, but the images kept coming to her over and over.
She pushed from the pole and began another walk down the block. This would be her last one before turning into the parking lot and walking to John’s apartment. John could see Carrie from his window if he cared to. Knowing John, he probably did watch Carrie to ensure she kept up with the contract and his orders.
Carrie walked slow, one foot in front of the other. She tried to be seductive because that’s what John told her a hooker, desperate to make a few bucks before going to bed that night. Carrie hated him so much for things like this. It should have turned her on to role play, but it felt wrong… so wrong. More so, the money John had was nothing compared to what Alex Slader definitely had. Carrie hated to be so bitchy and greedy , but her breaking point had come and gone. As strange as it was, it seemed that Jessica had been the one to keep her grounded. She had lived a simple, innocent life, and that simple, innocent life led her into the arms of Slader.
At the parking lot, Carrie turned and walked to the building. When she got to John’s apartment door, she knocked three times, just like the standard directions in the contract. She waited and John opened the door a little. He eyed her up and down.
“What do you want?” he asked.
“Here for you, baby,” Carrie said.
“Yeah. How much?”
“How much do you have?”
“More than you can ever earn. Show me what you have.”
Carrie swallowed. She stepped back without looking around because looking around would be a violation. She gripped the bottom of her shirt and lifted it, along with her bra. She let her breasts fall free and showed John. He smiled and nodded acting as though he’d never seen Carrie’s chest before.
“Okay,” John said. He opened the door more and gave Carrie a second to put her shirt and bra back down. “Come with me.”
He put his hand out and Carrie took it.
She followed him into his apartment. John went straight to the couch and sat down. He looked at Carrie and she stepped in front of him.
“Where do we start?” she asked.
“Your mouth, use it.”
Carrie slowly moved to her knees. She did as told, opening John’s suit pants and pleasuring him with her mouth. She was under his full submission, so when he put his hand to the back of her head and forced her down, Carrie had to find a way to manage. She did so by keeping her eyes shut and wishing it was Slader. Never before in her life had someone become such an odd obsession.
She moved faster and faster on John and when she felt him thrust, groan, and begin to come, she opened her eyes and wondered if she fucked up again. She wasn’t sure if he was supposed to come in her mouth or if they were supposed to have sex to finish up. She stayed with John until he was finished. Then she slowly pulled off him, swallow
ing everything in her mouth. She tucked John away and remained on her knees before him.
“That was good,” he whispered. “Just a start, but good enough for now.”
John reached into his pocket and pulled out money. He threw it at Carrie and she collected it because that was her job. This was the punishment that gave Carrie a glimpse at what her life could possibly be like if John wasn’t in. The idea sickened her. Carrie’s life before John was similar to what she had to become for this punishment.
“I have some news,” John said.
“Good news, baby?” Carrie asked.
“You can cut the routine for a minute,” John said. He leaned forward and touched Carrie’s hair. “I’m an idiot right now. Letting you suck me in.”
John smiled. “Fuck, Carrie. You’re beautiful. You just have to... just don’t fuck up.”
“I’m sorry.”
John nodded. He leaned back and took a deep breath. “You have a chance to redeem yourself.”
Carrie felt her body tingling already. A chance to see Slader again? A chance to talk to him? Touch him? Fuck him?
“It seems Slader is in jail right now,” John said and laughed.
“Well, not the normal jail you probably think of. He was arrested earlier for beating the hell out of one of his guitarists.”
Why did that sound so hot? Carrie imagined Slader hitting another man and the thought, the image, really turned her on. She could smell the sweat, the emotion, the blood.
What’s wrong with me? she asked herself.
“But, the thing is,” John continued, “Slader isn’t going to be held for long. They arrested him and charged him. The guitarist is suing, blah, blah, but that’s not the point here. The point is, they’re letting him go.”
“Why arrest him then?”
“Because it’s Alex Slader. Everyone wants to see him held back, even for a day. That, again, is not the point. The point is, Carrie, he’s getting out in the morning.”