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In Bed with the Rockstar (With the Rockstar #2) (rockstar romance series) Page 4

  After the last signature, Slader closed the folder and stretched his hands. He spun the folder around and looked at Jerry.

  “You know you have more shows pending,” Jerry said.

  Slader nodded. He knew what shows and when. He also knew the set lists and how each one would play out. There wasn’t a detail spared from his mind and the same would be given to the fans, if there were shows happening.

  “Those shows aren’t going to happen, are they?” Jerry asked.

  “That’s why I pay you so much,” Slader said. “You know me, Jerry.”

  A normal manager would have been angry. A normal manager would have screamed, broke something, threatened. But Jerry wouldn’t for two reasons... first, he really did understand Slader. Second, if someone wanted to get that upset with Slader, he’d put them through the windshield of the bus.

  Playing shows was one the greatest highs in life. To take the souls and the needs of every single person in a venue... a thousand people, ten thousand people, sometimes more... it had such a feeling of empowerment to it. It was greater than standing on the top of some of the high rises Slader owned. Being that high in the air was freeing, but standing in front of so many people who needed him was something else.

  Slader always kept the show schedule full because he wanted to see how much he was needed. It was the ultimate showing of power. However, many of those shows never came to life. Yet it never made anyone angry. Slader dictated his musical career from day one. The record companies fought for him and he sat back and waited. He signed with one and waited for another to collapse. On the brink of collapse he bought it, signed himself, then became even richer off the deal.

  The fans who had bought tickets collected them from the shows that never happened. Those tickets actually had more value and meaning than a used ticket stub. That’s what Slader had built for himself and his fans. Having the ticket was hope. Seeing the show was life. Most fans were stuck in between that, waiting, needing.

  Right then, as Slader sat on the tour bus with Jerry, he wasn’t thinking about the shows and the fans. He was thinking about the beautiful woman fast asleep in the bedroom. Her mind and body relaxed. She was so innocent and yet Slader sat with Jerry while that innocence lingered.

  Anger overcame Slader. He stood from the table and stared down at Jerry.

  “Airport,” Slader said. “I need to fly somewhere tonight. Right now.”

  Jerry nodded. “Okay, Slader. I’ll make the arrangements. As far as the shows...”

  “I don’t give a fuck,” Slader said. “They’ll all wait for me when I’m ready.”

  “Slader, I’m happy you have someone with you.”


  “Yes,” Jerry said. He slowly stood up. “You seem taken in by her. By Jessica. Something is there with you two. I know it’s not my business and sure, I’d prefer to see you play concerts... but the look in your eyes...”

  Slader grabbed the top of Jerry’s shirt and twisted. It shut Jerry up.

  “She’s always been with me,” Slader said. “I just needed to find her.”

  “Of course,” Jerry said. “I’m sorry I said anything then.”

  The anger stirred. If it was anyone else they would have already paid dearly for the comments, but it was Jerry. His heart was soft and golden. Slader took his hand away from Jerry and nodded.

  “Plane,” Slader said. “I want to be in the air in an hour.”

  “Not a problem,” Jerry hurried from the bus.

  Slader rushed into the back of the bus and just seeing Jessica made him feel relieved. Slader tugged at the sheets and pulled them down just enough to expose her breasts. Slader groaned and licked his lips. He would have her... forever.

  The sky can shift, the world can break, we can too. The stars can shine, the stars will die, the morning chases it all away. The sun will rise, the clouds will float, another day for me to watch you. And yes, that sun will set, taking the light off your face. The moon may shine but it’s in your eyes - your eyes - that I find my entire life waiting.


  Carrie sat outside the apartment, shaking. Her eyes were puffy and sore. Her chest hurt. Her throat the same. Even her stomach hurt as though she had done a thousand sit ups.

  How could one man be so powerful?

  Better yet... how could a one minute encounter make Carrie feel the way she did?

  Seeing Alex Slader in the flesh was like coming to terms with everything that existed or didn’t exist in life. He was tall, wide, strong, and commanding. The way he looked at Carrie made her feel like a person. He actually saw her even though he didn’t like what he saw, but it was the truth, wasn’t it? Carrie was bound to a contract with John, which made her no better than all the people who were in that room after the concert. The rockstars Slader hired to play. The women Slader hired to please those rockstars. It was all the same.

  Carrie was hired help. Hired help for John’s needs, both personal and professional. He used Carrie to make deals happen and then used Carrie’s body to ensure her own pleasure.

  Carrie didn’t want anymore. She hated that fucking contract and she wanted to burn it. She wanted out of it, but she knew John would never allow that. In some sick way, Carrie feared he would find a way to make her pay the money back. Or punish her. And then... the last thing Carrie wanted to think about... was being alone. Jessica was with Slader, somewhere, maybe under the billionaire rockstar or maybe riding on top of him. It flooded Carrie’s body with jealously. What the hell did Jessica know about pleasuring a man? Carrie knew if she could just have one chance... just one chance at it... with Slader...

  Carrie closed her eyes, but the feelings didn’t go away. Slader had unlocked emotions inside her. Emotions that had been waiting there for a long time, but the fear of being alone seemed to be just a little greater than Carrie could swallow down. She feared going back to where she came from, back to that place wishing she had someone like John to help her. That’s where it all began and she didn’t want to go back.

  The reality of the situation was that she could take care of the contract with John and get what she wanted. As Carrie stared out the windshield, she looked to the apartment building. The apartment she and Jessica shared was right there. It occurred to Carrie that perhaps she and Jessica didn’t have a friendship at all. They were acquaintances at most. They needed each other at the time to survive by splitting the bills. Sure, they laughed and got to know each other a little, did that mean Carrie should suffer her entire life? It pained her to imagine life after the contract with John. Would he want another contract? Would he want a relationship?

  She thought about Alex Slader again.

  Her job was simple, or at least in writing it was simple. She needed to lure him in. Seduce him. Entice him. Make him look away for just a second and then John could swipe in and steal a deal. But that didn’t matter what was one deal? Slader was a billionaire. He could control anything he wanted. Carrie wanted him to control her. She wanted that chance again. She hadn’t expected to see him standing right behind her. Her mind and emotions at that time were just so...

  “Fuck,” Carrie whispered. She opened the car door and got out.

  She needed to go inside and face John. There was no doubt he would be waiting for her. If she was successful, he would fuck her. If she failed, which she did, he would either ignore her or punish her.

  The truth was that Carrie needed to be touched, even by John. She wanted to feel him inside her. She wanted to close her eyes and get lost, thinking of Slader. She wanted to feel the pleasure of a man and wish it was Slader. Nothing would compare to Slader, that much she believed. First she’d have to face John.

  Carrie opened the apartment door and saw the small flood of light coming from her bedroom. The rest of the apartment was dark and quiet. The jealousy shot through Carrie again. Jessica definitely was with Alex Slader right then. Carrie had hoped to come home and find Jessica upset, maybe crying, maybe wanting nothing to do with Slader ever a

  Feeling defeated, Carrie walked to the bedroom and opened the door.

  John sat at her desk, his laptop open, working. His eyes were intent and his fingers typing fast on the keyboard. He turned and looked at Carrie, smiled, then went back to work.

  Everything mounted in Carrie and she shook her head.

  She couldn’t do this anymore.

  “Nothing happened,” she said. “I saw Slader and nothing happened.”

  John’s fingers instantly stopped.

  Just seeing that sent Carrie into a panic. She regretted saying a thing to John. Slowly, John turned and stared at her. He leaned against his chair and just stared. Carrie couldn’t quite figure out the look in his eyes.




  All three?

  “What happened?” John asked.

  “I got there and snuck in. I walked around for a little while and ended up... there was a room for his band and the sight...”

  “What does that have to do with me?” John asked.

  Carrie swallowed. “Slader was standing behind me when I backed away from that room. We were alone in a hallway and I... I tried to say something but he was in a hurry to leave.”

  “Wait,” John said. He stood up. He stepped at Carrie and his moves were threatening. “You’re telling me you were alone with him? In a hallway?”

  “John,” Carrie whispered.

  John’s hand shot out and took Carrie by the mouth. His touch was gentle but the implications were not. He shook his head, commanding Carrie to remain silent.

  “You were alone with Alex Slader in a hallway. And nothing happened.”

  “I’m sorry,” Carrie said. “I freaked out. He’s a rockstar. He’s a billionaire. He’s...”

  John curled his lip and swallowed. Carrie knew a long time ago that John was filled with cheap insecurities, which was the main reason why he put the contract in place between he and Carrie, but now it seemed those insecurities were getting to John and Carrie would pay for those insecurities.

  “Why didn’t you do anything?” John asked.

  “Do what? I wasn’t sure what to say. My mind went blank.”

  “He’s a fucking rockstar,” John said. “Take your fucking clothes off. Pin him against the wall. Confuse him. Distract him. Fuck, Carrie. You fucked this up.”

  “No,” Carrie said. “I didn’t. He’s playing again tomorrow night. I don’t know what to do now.”

  “On your knees while you talk to me.”

  Carrie sighed and slowly moved to her knees. She looked up at John. This was how John liked to do business between them.

  “Tell me your plan, Carrie,” John said.

  “I will see him tomorrow night,” Carrie said. “It’ll be fine, John. Tonight was overwhelming, okay? I’m being honest. I could have lied but I didn’t. I saw him and I froze. He’s the biggest rockstar in the world. Just looking at him is intimidating.”

  “Isn’t your roommate fucking him?”

  Carrie felt the jealousy punch her in the gut. She nodded. “Yes. Jessica is with him right now.”

  John touched his face. “Interesting. Maybe I can offer her...”

  “No,” Carrie cried out. “No. Please, John. Punish me.”

  “Punish you?”

  “For not listening.” Carrie couldn’t believe what she was doing. But she couldn’t lose this. She needed John. The fear spread through Carrie like she never felt before in her life. “Please, John, I’m begging you.”

  “Yes, you are begging me,” John said. “Stand up, Carrie.”

  Carrie hurried to her feet and faced John. “John...”

  “See, your roommate is with him right now,” John said. “A little flirting, a quick contract, I could have her. I know I could. She’s easy.”

  “She’s not me,” Carrie said.

  “What do I care? I’ll have both of you then.”

  That thought seemed to hurt worse than anything else John had said or done yet.

  “You can trust me,” Carrie said. “I deserve to be punished for this, John. I messed up. Big time. I froze when I saw Slader and I messed up.”

  “Okay,” John said. “I’ll punish you, Carrie. I’ll punish you. Turn around and take your pants and panties down but not off. I’ll show you what your future holds if you fuck this up.”

  Carrie did as told. Her panties clung to her body, still slightly damp from Alex Slader. When her panties were around her ankles, Carrie looked down and it all hit her again. This could have been her fate... or better yet, this would be her fate, with Slader. The moisture quickly returned to her delicate body.

  John’s fingers slid between her legs from behind. He pushed and curled his fingers, sliding them into Carrie. She groaned and bent forward, wanting John inside her. John put his hand to the top of her back and pushed her to the bed.

  “Hands behind your back,” John said.

  Carrie listened. John was gone for a second and returned with the sound of metal clinking. Carrie didn’t need to look, she had the sound of handcuffs memorized. Her entire body began to shake. There was a time when submitting to John was erotic and fun, but that time was long gone. This was business. This was punishment yet Carrie was trying to sneak in some pleasure. Her body was too tender, to just let everything go. Plus, she gave John her word. Tomorrow night she would go to the next concert and have Slader.

  John put the handcuffs in place. With one hand, he held the chain between the cuffs, feeling powerful. Carrie’s body ached more than ever. She listened to John unzip his pants and then she felt the engorged tip of his erection slide along her tender pussy. She bent her knees, desperate to feel him inside her. She even thrust herself back, arching herself in any way possible to have John in her. He finally lined himself up and pushed forward, entering her with ease. Carrie couldn’t help but wonder if it would be that easy for Alex Slader to fuck her. Probably not. He would be bigger, thicker, more challenging to accept.

  With John deep in her, Carrie closed her eyes and let him fuck her, not that she had a choice in the matter. When she closed her eyes, she saw Slader. She saw him standing there in that hallway, staring down at her. She envisioned herself touching him, starting with his shoulders and then quickly moving down...

  Carrie cried out as John sped up.

  “That’s right,” John said. “Take it. Take it all.”

  He thrust hard and pulled at the cuffs. A mild pain shot through Carrie’s wrists but she could ignore it. In her mind, she was on her knees, tasting Slader. Her small hand struggling to wrap itself around him. In her mind, Slader took a handful of her hair and pulled her back to her feet and then turned her around.

  Carrie found herself pumping her body like she had never done with John before. John then froze in place and let out a whimpering grunt. She never heard him - or a man - make that kind of sound before. Carrie didn’t care. She was somewhere much different in her mind as this all happened. John placed his hands to her ass, and then hips, squeezing and moving like he wanted her to slow down or stop, but there was no stopping Carrie. She thought about Slader in her, wanting to feel him release.

  Then it happened... as she moved at him one more time he thrust forward and began to come. Carrie held in place but kept rocking her hips. She milked every last drop of John’s orgasm out of his body, but all she could think about was Slader.

  John pulled from her and hurried to put himself away. Carrie stood and turned to face him. She saw the look of shock and awe on his face. He was blushing, his eyes were wide, and he looked wobbly.

  “Oh, fuck,” he whispered. “Carrie... what the fuck...”

  “I’m just really sorry,” Carrie said.

  At that point, her entire life was nothing but a lie, so she kept it going. She figured she would do anything to get to Alex Slader. Only then would she live with honesty in her heart.

  John released Carrie from the handcuffs and then kissed her deeply. Carrie never had Jo
hn kiss her like that before. She wanted to close her eyes and slip somewhere else.

  The kiss ended and John allowed Carrie to dress. She lifted her panties and pants while John sat the desk, back to his laptop. She watched as he looked for the next Ashes in Vain show dates.

  “What the fuck?” John asked.

  “What’s wrong?” Carrie asked.

  John stood and the chair flew back and crashed into Carrie’s legs. She cried out as he stormed from the bedroom. Carrie looked at the screen and felt her heart drop to her feet.

  The date was there. The show listed. But then there was something written over it. In big, red, bold letters... CANCELLED.

  So were the next five Ashes in Vain shows.

  They were all cancelled.

  “No,” Carrie whispered

  She knew that Alex Slader was famous for canceling shows all the time without remorse to the fans, but to cancel these shows...

  “No,” Carrie said again.

  “Yes,” John said as he came back into the bedroom.

  He went for Carrie’s closet and tore it open. She watched him throw a bag to the bed and point to it.

  “You know what to do,” he said.


  “You know what to fucking do,” John said with a little more anger in his voice.

  “I was there tonight.”

  “You didn’t do the fucking job,” John said. He looked at Carrie and his eyes were cold and calculated. “You were there. You saw him. You messed up. You know what to do.”

  This time John snapped his fingers at the bag.

  Carrie hesitated. She didn’t want this. She didn’t want to do this.

  “Okay, let me help then,” John said.

  He went to Carrie’s dresser and opened the top drawer. He started to throw panties, thongs, and bras to the bed.

  “Stop,” Carrie said. “I’ll do it.”

  “That’s what I thought.”