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The Dark Monster (A Full Moon Mercy Novel) (shifter / MC romance) Page 10


  Zayne lingered at the bar in the late hours of the night. Half the club was still awake, the other half took company to their rooms for the night. There wasn’t enough booze in the world to take away the pain that felt like a giant spear moving through Zayne’s body. This wasn’t physical pain, this was mental. When he licked his lips, he still tasted the blood of the man he killed from the Oreno crew. He had wanted more than just the kill. He wanted to feast. He wanted to devour and settle this unsettled feeling inside himself. Then again, nothing would heal his wounds fast, nor would it keep scars from forming. That meant each time Zayne looked in the mirror he’d remember the fight that left him scarred. The fight that took Seth’s life. The fight that was set up by the Reckingdune crew. And yet, the entire situation occurred because of Lucas. Because Lucas needed to use the Oreno roads to get his pregnant… whatever she was… to safety.

  There was so much blame to be dealt and yet as Zayne sat alone at the bar, he tried to fight it away. Blame took away the brotherhood of the club. If everyone started pointing fingers at each other, they’d all fall apart. Everyone in the club had made mistakes. Everyone at some point had taken a punch or bullet for someone else. That was just how it all worked.

  Zayne felt a hand clamp down on his shoulder. He looked back and saw the glossy eyes of Mason looking at him.

  “Brother,” Zayne said.

  “What are you doing, man? You look ready to kill someone.”

  “Just letting my mind get the best of me,” Zayne said. “Probably not a smart thing to do.”

  “Then go downstairs. Find someone for the night. Take the edge off, man. We’re all busy and losing our minds right now.” Mason sat next to Zayne.

  “Are you thinking about Seth?”

  “Sometimes,” Mason said. “I always enjoyed living this life that we couldn’t be killed so easily.”

  “Scary to imagine one bullet could do it,” Zayne said as he put his fingers into the shape of a gun. “But it’s the truth of our lives.”

  “Which is why you should take the edge off,” Mason said. “Seth is gone, man. He’s dead and buried. Whatever led him there doesn’t matter. We all can die the same. Hell, we all can die tomorrow.”

  “Look at my face,” Zayne said. “Maybe I should have been the one to take the bullet.”

  “Because of some cuts and scars?” Mason asked. “Don’t be an asshole, man. Go get something for yourself before it’s too late.”

  Mason patted Zayne on the back and walked away. Zayne stood and looked to the door.

  Yeah, maybe it was a good idea to blow off a little steam.

  He then found himself taking the steps two at a time and sneaking into the nightclub. There was just about an hour left before the club would close for the night (or morning, depending on how you looked at it).

  Zayne pushed through the crowd of people, almost hoping some tough guy would turn and pick a fight with him. He would love to knock someone’s head off. But as he worked through the crowd toward the bar, he felt someone grab his arm. He turned and looked down at a pretty woman with big brown eyes.

  “Hey,” she yelled. “Where did you come from?”

  “Nowhere,” Zayne said. He ripped his arm away and kept walking.

  This was a bad idea. A really bad idea. He wasn’t in the mood for this bullshit right now. This dance of flirting and touching and waiting for some kind of moment to come.


  Zayne kept his eyes beyond the bar now. He went to the side of the bar and to a door that led to the back alley where all the motorcycles were parked for the night. He kicked open the door and stepped outside. The music in the club blared until the door clicked shut. Then there was silence. Zayne ran his fingers through his hair and felt his blood boiling. Everything pulsed, just like when he had shifted right here, right in front of Cooper. Right when Vince appeared from nowhere as the alpha wolf and held Zayne down. That was embarrassing. That left Zayne feeling useless and worthless. He had been some wolf on its back, humbled by a bigger, smarter beast.

  It pissed him off.

  “Hey, where’d you go?”

  Zayne spun around and spotted the glowing cherry of a cigarette.

  “Who is that?” he asked.

  “You ran away from me,” the woman’s voice spoke.

  She stepped closer. Zayne watched her take a drag of her smoke and blow the smoke up into the air. She stopped a foot away from him and in the glow of the moonlight, Zayne recognized her eyes.

  “Who the fuck are you?” he asked.

  “My name is Jane,” she said. “You kind of ran off on me there.”

  “Not interested.”

  “Didn’t offer anything. Hey, which motorcycle is yours?”

  “What does that matter?”

  “You’re in a bad mood,” Jane said.

  “Yeah. I am. So leave me the hell alone.”

  Jane took another deep drag of her smoke and then flicked it away. She grabbed Zayne’s leather cut and tugged at him.

  “Maybe you can take out some of that anger on me,” she said. “Right here.”

  “Listen… I don’t know who you are…”

  “I know who you are,” Jane said. “I’ve been watching you. Along with my boss. You guys are some serious shit and I’ll be honest, it’s kind of hot. So, right now, before things get all complicated, I’m going to turn around and you’re going to fuck me.”

  “Is that so?” Zayne asked.

  Jane reached up and touched Zayne’s face. He pulled back, but Jane moved to her toes. She leaned forward and kissed Zayne’s cheek, right on one of his crusted scars.

  “I’m not afraid of you,” Jane said. “Scars and all.”

  Zayne grabbed Jane by the waist and pushed her away, holding at her arm’s length. “Don’t fuck with me.”

  “I’m not fucking with you. I want you to fuck me.”

  Zayne tightened his grip and felt his body throb. This was exactly what he had wanted, right? Someone to just have and blow off some steam. And what better place than right here? Nobody would see. Nobody would know. Nobody would care.

  “I’m telling you,” Jane said, “you’ll regret it if you don’t. We’ve been looking after you guys for a little while now. Not good.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Give me what I want first,” Jane said.

  “Are you serious?”

  “You heard what I said,” Jane said. “Do me or you’ll never know.”

  “I have a fucking gun on me right now.”

  “Maybe I do too.”

  “Maybe I’ll pull that gun out and put it to your head.”

  “Maybe I won’t give a shit.”

  “You will if I pull the trigger.”

  “I’ll call your bluff, asshole.”

  “I’m an asshole now?”

  “Yeah, you are. You’re an asshole. With a fucked up face. Some biker guy trailing around Mercy…”

  Zayne growled and tossed Jane to the side. She stumbled but didn’t fall. His blood was at a breaking point now. He could either shift and kill this woman or give her what she begged for. The same thing Zayne wanted too.

  Zayne lunged at Jane. She crashed hard against the brick building and let out a cry. Zayne touched her face with one hand and had to made his decision right now. His hand slipped to the back of her neck and he pulled Jane close. Their lips met, tongues touched, and Zayne quickly pulled away.

  “Turn around then,” he said.

  Jane spun around and to Zayne’s shock, she started to take off her pants. She wiggled her succulent hips as her jeans and panties moved down to her knees. She then put her hands to wall and thrust back at Zayne.

  “Fuck,” Zayne groaned.

  He unzipped his pants and took himself out. He couldn’t believe he was doing this. But he had no choice. There could be no more killing now. Not without voting and direction from Vince and Lucas.

  Zayne gripped himself and pressed against Jane�
��s body. He thrust hard and with intense force, entered her warm sex. She was tight and let out a whimpering scream as he sank deep into her body. Zayne then gripped her hips tight and wasted no time in moving in and out of her body. This wasn’t about romance or bullshit passion. This was about need and urge. And Zayne was taking care of it all.

  He picked up speed, his body slammed against Jane’s with force. She stayed right with him though, pushing back, groaning, whispering that she wanted more… more… please, more…

  Zayne felt his body pulsing as he gave Jane more and more. Zayne gripped tighter and pulled harder. This made Jane cry out. Her voice echoed in the back alley and it turned Zayne on. It left him feeling powerful and in complete control of everything, a feeling he hadn’t had in some time.

  The urge moved through Zayne’s body and when he finally reached his climax, he thrust hard and held Jane in place as he came. He felt Jane’s throbbing body squeeze at him until he finally pulled away from her. He quickly tucked himself away and zipped his pants. He then stood and stared at Jane’s body. He could smell her sweetness and intense aroma of their sex. With one hand still on the brick wall, Jane reached for her panties and looked back at Zayne.

  “Holy fuck,” she said. “I didn’t expect that.”

  “You asked for it,” Zayne said. “Now get the fuck out of here.”

  Jane slowly stood and lifted her panties and pants. She turned and shook her head. “You’re going to need me around. I have some information for you.”

  “About your boss? Like I give a shit.”

  Zayne turned and took two steps before Jane said something that made him freeze up.

  “Where’s Debbie?”

  “What?” Zayne asked.

  “Oh, you know that name. So I guess me and my boss were spot on by following you guys. Funny how it seemed she was here and now she’s gone. You guys kill her?”

  “Fuck off,” Zayne growled.

  “No, that I won’t do.” Jane walked toward Zayne. “I really need to know where Debbie is. Before this thing gets too big.”

  Zayne faced Jane and suddenly he hated the woman. This bitch. “What are you talking about?”

  “I’m trying to help you because I don’t want my boss to get his nose into anything too deep. I do need my job, right? And plus, I don’t feel like seeing him die. I know you guys would kill him. Maybe me too. That’s why I gave you that little peace offering.”


  “Come on,” Jane said. “You were stiff the second you walked into the club. You were looking for someone and I was there. I’ve been following you for a while. Your face got all fucked up and you don’t feel manly. You’re a man, Zayne, trust me. That’s a nice cock you’ve got…”

  “Get out of here,” Zayne said. “Because if you’re worried about being killed…”

  Zayne took a step and saw himself shifting and killing Jane.

  The blip of a siren sounded, followed by the flash of lights. It was the police, more importantly, it was probably Chief Charlie.

  “Fuck,” Zayne said. He grabbed Jane’s hand and pulled her to the door. “Come with me. Straight to my room and don’t ask a fucking question.”

  Zayne couldn’t believe he’d gotten himself into this kind of trouble now. He rushed up the steps with Jane behind him. As he hurried past the bar, he looked for Vince. Before he could open his mouth and ask someone where Vince was, Vince came barreling down the hallway. He looked pissed off and when his eyes met Zayne’s, it made Zayne shiver.

  “There’s company…”

  “I fucking know already,” Vince yelled. “Everyone stay right here.”

  Zayne took Jane to his room. He got her inside, shut the door, and locked it.

  “You’re not leaving until morning,” Zayne said.

  “Good,” Jane said. “I like it here. With you.”

  “Cut that shit. I’m not playing fucking games. What do you know about Debbie and why does it matter for the club?”

  “The club,” Jane said. “That’s sexy. You big bad bikers. Makes me wet.”

  “What did I just say…”

  “She’s in a lot of debt,” Jane said. “And not the legal kind of debt either. She owes some pretty nasty guys some serious cash. Seems strange how she showed up to work one night and then was gone. And it was the same night those nasty guys were coming to collect. Seems too planned.”

  “We have nothing to do with that,” Zayne said.

  “But you know where she is.”

  “I’m not answering questions.”

  “I didn’t ask a question. I made a statement. You know where she is. You guys roll through Mercy with her and then she’s gone. Just tell me, did you kill her? If you did, that could help me a little. I’d need a body though…”

  “We didn’t kill her.”

  “So she’s not dead?”

  Zayne made fists. He should have just shifted and killed Jane when he had the chance. This was getting out of hand.

  “Listen,” Jane said, “I’m not here to break your balls. I’ll play with them because they’re big and I like you. You’re sexy, Zayne. Even with that shit on your face, you’re fucking sexy. I’ve been waiting for my chance with you. I want more of what you did outside to me. But I need to find Debbie. She needs to settle her debts.”

  “Or what?”

  “My boss and I will get in trouble,” Jane said. “Those nasty guys will come after you and the club.”

  Zayne laughed. “Like I give a fuck about that.”

  Jane touched his face again. She kissed his neck. Her other hand cupped between his legs.

  “Just tell me,” Jane whispered. “Just tell me what happened to her. Just tell me if you were in on all this. Helping her out.”

  Zayne pushed Jane away. “No. We didn’t help Debbie. If your boss wants to talk to us, tell him to grow a sack and come talk to us. Don’t drive by in a little black car. He doesn’t understand how close he came to being killed.”

  “Maybe I could say the same for you,” Jane said.

  “Try and kill me, I dare anyone.”

  Jane smiled. “Tough guy, huh?”

  “You have no idea what I’m capable of,” Zayne said.

  Jane touched her pants and unbuckled them. She slowly pushed her pants and panties down, keeping her eyes on Zayne. “Show me what you’re capable of then…”


  Debbie opened her eyes and found herself sitting up, rocking back and forth. Her hands were on her stomach, her breath short. She gasped for air over and over and tried to look around the bedroom. It was dark, mostly dark. There was a dim light on in the corner. To her right, Debbie touched and hoped to find the doctor there. He had been so loyal to her lately. Offering his body to her. Touching her. Caressing her. Whispering romantic words to her. He made Debbie feel almost normal.

  “Where are you?” Debbie groaned.

  The pain swelled enough that Debbie lost her breath. Her mouth opened and she tried to find the air but it wasn’t coming. It was like someone had their hand around her throat. She started to count the seconds… ten… thirteen… seventeen… twenty… twenty… ffffiiiivvveee…

  Debbie’s eyes rolled back in her head and she fell to her side. When she opened her eyes again she had air. She took deep breaths and touched her neck. There was nothing on her neck, nothing squeezing her throat. She sat back up and saw that it was two hours later now.

  What is happening?

  Then Debbie remembered what the doctor had offered her. A chance to stop the pregnancy. A chance to return to normal. He promised his love to Debbie and vowed to take care of her body and heart forever. Debbie knew she recognized the doctor from somewhere and it was probably the damn strip club. Now he was in love with her, but that was okay. Debbie liked the attention. And she felt some kind of connection to the doctor.

  Debbie had her legs open and she looked down. Her stomach was still huge, but there was something on the floor. She touched and feared blood, which
was exactly what it looked like. Maybe this was it. Maybe it was all going to work now. This would all become something that had happened in her life and was now going to go away. That one wild night with Lucas wouldn’t claim her life in some form. She still didn’t quite understand what Lucas was or what exactly was inside her womb, but maybe it was all coming to a final end.

  “Help,” she whispered, her voice cracking. “I need help…”

  She needed the doctor there. She needed his boney and vein filled hands on her body. She wanted to hear him groan when his hands touched her large breasts. She wanted to feel him inside her, his jerky movements just before he came.


  The door opened.

  He stood there in the darkness.

  “Debbie? My love?”

  “I’m awake,” Debbie said. “I’m awake. I’m okay. It’s…”

  “I’ve failed you, baby,” the doctor said. “I’ve failed so much. And you’ve failed me.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I can forgive you,” he said. “In fact, I already have forgiven you. What you did in your past life means nothing compared to the moment you were brought to me. It was fate, somehow designed through something greater than all of us. But we’re together, Debbie. I love you, Debbie.”

  “Yes,” Debbie said. “I love you… please, come to me. You have to see…”

  “I tried,” the doctor said. “I did what was needed. I had his blood and his flesh. The father, right?”

  “What’s happening?” Debbie asked.

  “My baby, it didn’t work,” the doctor said. “The end didn’t come. Nothing happened. You were the same. You were engorged with the life of another. And it’s not the life you thought.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “He’s not the one who did it,” the doctor said. “He’s not… he’s not connected to you.”

  “Who isn’t?”


  The name made Debbie tingle. Her mind flashed back to that night…

  “He’s not the one who did this.”